

Manufacturers: Shale Production Driving Manufacturing Renaissance

New Report Shows Shale Development Supporting Millions of Jobs and Boosting Income and Trade

Washington, D.C., September 4, 2013 – According to a report released today, the United States will continue to reap enormous economic and job-creation benefits from domestic oil and shale gas production.

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Rising Health Care Costs Grow as Top Concern for Manufacturers

WASHINGTON, D.C., 06/10/13 – According to the second quarter National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)/IndustryWeek Survey of Manufacturers released today, manufacturers’ concerns over health care and insurance costs are mounting. In addition, the unfavorable business climate due to taxes and regulation and uncertainties related to the political climate continue to be top concerns for manufacturers. More than half of survey respondents stated they were either not prepared or uncertain about how their firm planned to implement provisions of the Affordable Care Act at the beginning of 2014.

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